Latest Episodes

US Alliances Politics in the Indo-Pacific
Optimists argue that alliances are a source of strength for American foreign policy, lending significant advantage over competitors like China. Skeptics argue that the...

The Harding Project and Army Professional Writing
Last September, the Harding Project launched with the objective of renewing professional writing in the US Army. A priority of General Randy George, the...

Public Opinion and the Use of Force
Every four years, Americans choose a new commander-in-chief. US presidents have significant authority to use force, manage a global network of alliances and partnerships,...

Learning from Iraq
After the US-led coalition's invasion of Iraq and defeat of Iraqi forces in conventional operations, a series of new challenges arose. How can security...

Iraq in Retrospect, Twenty Years Later
More than twenty-one years ago, when a US-led coalition invaded Iraq, the 101st Airborne Division was a key element of the operation. Dr. Isaiah...

Technology and the Future of Land Warfare
Technology is rapidly changing the modern battlefield, making it crucial for armies to adapt how they think, fight, and train. But what should that...